Blog Posts

Making changes

I met with my web guy a few days ago.  I’ve come to realize since then that changing a website is complicated – not mechanically, but thought-wise.  For example, up ’til now, I’ve been just adding thoughts in a long narrative.  Now I’m going to individual posts.  As a person who likes continuity, this is a seismic change.   I have to compartmentalize my narrative now.  How quaint.

Although I’m still as politically aware as ever, I’ve grown weary of the whole raging media mess.  I’m not someone who thinks matters can only be fixed by “burning the house down”, but am searching for ways to accomplish positive steps short of that Armageddon bonfire.  I think, as a nation, we are perilously close to the edge.  Have you ever heard of Sisyphus?  This is who I’m channeling.

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to learn this web process better and make positive changes, so forward I go.